routes Argentario - Discover Argentario

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routes a Argentario

The Tuscany road of the wine

The Tuscany road of the wine

The distance of the road of the wine, means to not only carry the visitor to the discovery of the multiple and characteristic sapori of the Tuscany Fe

The Fronton of Talamone

The Fronton of Talamone

During the construction of a military fort in 1892 to Talamone they were finds again the rests to you of a fronton. Today the restored fronton us exte

The Tarot Garden

The Tarot Garden

The Garden of the Tarocchi is like a great table on which the papers of the tarocchi are placed. The great sculptures most colorful presents here and

Route of the Ants of Grosseto

Route of the Ants of Grosseto

The Ants of Grosseto small rocks are scattered in the blue sea of forehead to the Park of the Uccellina. The surface total of the three islands is of

Route of Red Island

Route of Red Island

The Red island is a small island situated of forehead to the tip Tower of the Ciana and the Died Mar, the fauna and the flora are prorompenti, a cryst